Vegetables NZ thanks growers for continued support

25 June 2024

More than 90% of fresh vegetable growers by value have voted to continue to support the work of Vegetables NZ through the fresh vegetable commodity levy. 

‘The weighted dollar value of those in support of continuing the levy was 92.51% in the referendum,’ says Vegetables NZ chair, John Murphy.

‘Furthermore, 38.64% of eligible growers voted, with is more than double the percentage of growers who voted in 2018 (16.5%).’   

John says Vegetables NZ’s immediate focus is on making it easier for growers to do what they do well – grow fresh, healthy vegetables for New Zealanders to enjoy.

‘We need to make sure vegetable growing – as a permitted activity – is nailed down as much as possible, so growers can continue to grow in the right way and bring beautiful fresh product to market.

‘Once that happens, it will take some of the pressure off growers, giving them the confidence and mental space to innovate and expand to meet increased demand.’ 

The next step in the levy renewal process is to make a formal application to the Minister of Agriculture to renew the fresh vegetable commodity levy order for another six years. The Minister is expected to make a decision by the end of the year.