District Associations

The following is a list of active District Associations in the vegetable sector and their contact details.

The Dominion Federation of New Zealand Chinese Commercial Growers Inc. was formed in 1943 at the suggestion of then Prime Minister, Peter Fraser.

The Federation protects the rights of Chinese growers, unites their efforts, promotes the commercial interests of Chinese growers in New Zealand, exchanges information and informs growers of new developments in the industry. The Federation also represents Chinese growers’ interests in all dealings with the government, retailers and market organisations.

For more information, visit the Federation's website: NZCGF

You can also email: info@nzcgf.nz

Chair: Doug Nilsson

Contact: nwveggrowers@gmail.com


PVGA Secretary

Chair: Kirit Makan

Contact: secretary@pvga.org.nz 

Chair: Calvin Gedye

Contact: calvin.gedye@xtra.co.nz

Chair: Alan Kale

Contact: kale.etal@xtra.co.nz

Chair: Paul Olsen

Contact: olsenagri@xtra.co.nz

Chair: Rob Lindsay 

Contact: hort.canterbury@gmail.com