Our Board
About the VNZI Board
Our Board of Directors is elected by registered Vegetables NZ grower members. There is an annual retirement by rotation for Directors, which provides growers with the opportunity to have direct input into the make up of the Board.
Any member of Vegetables NZ is eligible to nominate, second a nomination, or be nominated for the position of Director. All nominations must be seconded.

John Murphy, Chairman
Mobile: 027 458 4670
Email: john@garlic.co.nz

Warwick Simpson, Vice Chair
Mobile: 022 637 2010
Email: wjsimpson@gmail.com

Antony Heywood, Chief Executive
Mobile: 021 998 038
Email: antony.heywood@freshvegetables.co.nz

Allen Lim
Mobile: 027 282 8567
Email: allen@jadegarden.co.nz

Brendan Balle
Mobile: 027 493 9751
Email: brendan.balle@ballebros.co.nz

Jay Clarke
Mobile: 021 577 446
Email: jayclarke@woodhavengardens.co.nz

Emma Lees
Mobile: 027 180 01499
Email: emma.lees@aswilcox.co.nz

Jasmine Franklin, Future Director
Mobile: 021 411 778
Email: jazzandluke@gmail.com