Nominations for this year's industry awards: due by 15 June

18 April 2024

Vegetables NZ is calling for nominations for this year's annual industry awards. Nominations need to be with communications manager, Andrew Bristol by 15 June.  

There are three award categories: 

Industry Service Award: This award (which may include Life Membership) may be made to any person (whether or not the person is or has been a member) who has made a substantial and exemplary contribution to the New Zealand fresh vegetable industry.

Life Members: The award of Life Membership may be made to members who have given long and meritorious service to Vegetables NZ (e.g. 10 years or more service to the Board) and to recipients of Lifetime Achievement Awards.

Awards of Merit: An Award of Merit may be made to members who have given long service (e.g. more than five years' service to the Board or a similar level of contribution).

Please use one of the nomination forms below of make your nomination. 

Online nomination form

Print nomination form 

Please email your completed nomination forms to by 15 June

For a list of previous winners - based on available information - click here.  

AGM 8 August 

The awards will be presented at the Vegetables NZ AGM on Thursday 8 August at the Navigation Homes Stadium, Franklin Rd, Pukekohe. The AGM will take place as part of an industry day with TomatoesNZ. More details will be made available closer to the date.